12 January 2009

Update and Milestone

Bedtime has been better since the weekend. I think maybe Will is getting used to the routine again. He was down by 8 last night. He had a nightmare at about 10 (at least, he started crying then). Rolf went in, calmed him down, and put him back in bed. Will started crying again almost immediately. I unearthed myself from the papers I was grading to go to him. He was sitting up in bed, and I picked him up. I rocked him for a few minutes, then tried to get him back to bed. He had horrible sinus breath, so I asked if he was thirsty. "Thusty." I tossed Boyd into the bed and retrieved the sippy of water we keep for him. Several pulls on the sippy, and he leaned over to get back in bed. Yes, you read that right. He actually voluntarily got back into bed. And stayed there. He was awake for another 5-10 minutes, but I wasn't in the room with him. Hooray!

As for the milestone, not once but TWICE in the past three days, Will has sat on his potty chair with no pants on. He hasn't actually gone potty in the chair yet, but he's getting more comfortable with it. Saturday night, I was bathing him, and he said, "poo-poo." Because of our past experience cleaning poop out of the tub, I pulled him out quickly. I plopped him on the potty chair, where he sat until he got chilly*. Tonight, he had already pooped a little in his diaper, but when I went to draw his bath, he came to sit on the potty chair. I ended up pulling his pants down and taking his diaper off to see if he needed to do any more. He didn't, but boy am I proud of him for wanting to try!

He's gotten to the point that if one of us is in the bathroom, he'll come in and sit on the potty chair along side us. I don't harbor any illusions that we'll get to stop buying diapers any time soon, but it certainly seems he'll be ready to try giving them up this summer.

*ETA: I didn't torture the poor boy; I merely let him sit there a couple of minutes. He was wet from the bath. As soon as we saw that little chin wiggle, we picked him up and dried him off. I realized later that the way I wrote it sounded bad.

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