Monday, September 8 - Will has been one hungry hungry hippo lately. He's eating a lot, sleeping a lot, and fussing a lot. He's hitting several new cognitive and physical developments. Plus, he's going through a growth spurt (in his mouth, too - see previous post). Will's World hasn't been a happy place to be lately. :-(
Tuesday, September 9 - We were eating non "pre-chewed" food, as my department chair calls ground beef and chicken nuggets, so Will got to eat one of his Gerber graduate meals. The instructions call for 3o seconds in the microwave, but after just 20, it's lava in a tray. We usually have to remove the dinner early and stick it in the freezer for just as long, if not longer, than it was in the microwave. Even then, it's still plenty warm. Will will blow on his food if he thinks it's hot (see post Cookie Monster for evidence).
Wednesday, September 10 - Will's Great-Grandad turned 85 today. We also experienced a sudden downpour around the time Rolf was on the road home. Will loves outside in any weather, but he seems especially fascinated with the rain. I'm a bit more nervous because the concrete on our patio is extremely slippery when wet. His feet slide around a little. For that reason, we only take very short sojourns outside when it's raining.
Thursday, September 11 - "Bear?" After a particularly fussy afternoon, Will grabbed the remote, waved it at the television, and asked for Bear. Since all my other efforts (playing, reading, cuddling) were refused by Mr. Grumpy, I obliged. I put the DVD in and turned around to see that Will had very properly sat on his stepstool and was awaiting his favorite show. He began to bounce when the theme music came on, happier than I'd seen him all day.
Friday, September 12 - Will is in a better mood, and he has several new toys, including this farm magnet set. I went with Jack's mommy to a massive consignment sale on Thursday night. We got in early because we were teachers. Apparently, it wasn't early enough. Most of the great stuff already had "sold" tags on them. My major coup? A toddler bed for $30. Rolf and I had debated about whether or not to transition Will to a toddler bed or a twin mattress. Since I was able to find the bed so cheap, we will get him into the toddler bed by Halloween. He'll have more autonomy when it comes to getting in and out of bed, which is a mixed bag. I'm glad he'll be able to lay down if he's sleepy, but I know the first time I wake up to find him standing next to my bed I'll be scared sh!tless.
Saturday, September 13 - As Ike rained down on us outside, we had a nice hang-around-in-your-pajamas day. As I said in my previous post, Will was up and down most of the day. He had a good run in the afternoon playing ball with daddy, though. Will's favorite thing to do is fling something, anything across the room and yell, "Ohhh!" If I can get it on video, I'll show you.
Sunday, September 14 - Rolf and I caught The Who's Tommy at the Dallas Theater Center this afternoon. It's part of our goal to support the arts more and to have more couple time. Will stayed with Grandma and Grandad (and Great-Grandad, who now lives with G'ma & G'dad). Of course, life was much more exciting over there, with three people doting on him and two dogs to play with, so naptime was nearly non-existent. Because of that, Will was ready when it came to bedtime. Here he is, with Boyd, his paci, and his blankie, ready to get into the rocking chair for his bedtime stories. I love that he's starting to take the initiative when it comes to bedtime. That's one reason we're fairly sure the toddler bed is a good idea.
Hey Amy! John and I were just checking out Will's blog and are so taken with how CUTE he is! Y'all did good! - Laura
Thanks, Laura. We think he's somethin' special.
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