Tuesday, September 16 - Will pulled the chair one way and tried to sit in it the other at daycare. The bruise just over his right eyebrow is pretty, isn't it? It matches the blue in his cool comic book onesie.
Wednesday, September 17 - Will in the woods? Nah, just walking in front of a massive tree branch that Rolf cut down pre-Ike. The tips of it were traipsing on the roof, and we didn't know wht kind of wind we were going to get. Instead of risking shingles, Rolf climbed up in the heat and cut it down. With a hook saw on a stick. Ugh.
Thursday, September 18 - My handsome boy. Look at that pretty hair!
Friday, September 19 - Will stayed with Grandma and Grandad after daycare, and by the time we got home, he was worn out and cranky. He was up long enough to whine, drink some milk, and get ready for bed.
Saturday, September 20 - Dancin', dancin', dancin', dancin' machine!
Sunday, September 21 - Will helped Daddy anchor his bed rail to his new toddler bed. Later, he went to sleep in the bed for the first time. I almost cried, but held it back. Rolf tried to comfort me, telling me how it was cool that we raised him to another milestone, and I agree. But the part of me that isn't sure we'll ever get to do this again mourns the baby that is left behind with every step Will takes toward childhood. He's already so big and doing so much on his own. I know we'll be registering him for Kindergarten before I can blink. Every day with this little guy is so special.
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