Monday, September 22 - The bed is still new enough that it's fun getting in and out of. The art board is there to cover the plug. The cute little dragon faceplates don't hold the plug covers very well, so we are waiting until the bedroom redo to see the best way we can keep someone's little (usually slobbery wet) fingers out of it.
Tuesday, September 23 - Daddy reads to Will. This is our favorite time of night. Notice that Boyd joins the story time party. Sometimes Boyd makes a better door than he does a window, but Will was cooperating and keeping him out of the way for these pics.
Wednesday, September 24 - Tonight, it was my turn to read to Will. We love the dollar spot at Target. We bought this book there, and it is one of Will's favorites. The Sesame Street books are generally pretty good, and Will loves identifying "Cuh-kie" and "Bee Biew" (Big Bird). See above picture for comments re: Boyd.
Thursday, September 25 - Daddy didn't get home until after Will was in bed, so I had to grab a picture of Will in his new footie pajamas I got at the big consignment sale for super cheap. Yes, those are cheerios strewn on the floor behind Will. We had an eventful dinner, consisting of my offering just about everything we had and Will's snubbing it or tossing it about, as you can see. Fun, fun, fun.
Friday, September 26 - Wii! Rolf got to test drive a Wii his office bought for an upcoming trade show, and Will had a blast watching us bowl. Saturday, I played a couple of games while Rolf showered. Will disappeared into the other room. Figuring he went to bother Rolf in the shower, I called to him. He came running back into the living room with the DVD remote control from our bedroom, parked himself about 3 feet from the TV, and started waving the remote at it. Very cute, but also a reminder that at this age, he's a little mimic. I really need to watch my language better around him.
Saturday, September 27 - We took down the crib once and for all. It was a bittersweet moment. We hope we'll be able to use it again one day, but there's no guarantee. Will is growing so fast. He's working on phonemes he hasn't tried before, and his language increasingly sounds fluent. Fluent in what, I'm not sure. Rolf swears that sometimes Will is speaking French. Lately, I think he's sounding a bit more Russian. I have a feeling that one of these days, all those puzzle pieces will fall into place and he'll be speaking fluent English.
P.S. Notice Will holding the pliers. He helped dismantle the crib. I think he was happy to have his room back.
Sunday, September 28 - This pretty much sums up the day. If we were doing what Will wanted, when he wanted it, we were all kinds of good. If not, Will threw one of his tantrums. Sigh. I'm afraid, along with the strawberry blonde hair, that Will got his mommy's temperament. There's a reason my mother used to recite this to me when I was younger:
There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good,
She was very, very good,
But when she was bad she was horrid.
That's Will, except male and sans curls. Today was just a grumpy day.
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