02 September 2008

Cookie Monster

...or should I say, "Cuh-kee" Monster?

Monday morning, Will was up bright and early. Because of the holiday, I tried to let Rolf sleep in a little. I got Will his milk and began to scramble him an egg for breakfast. I heard his little bare feet slapping the floor as he ran across the house. The sound faded slightly before the monitor picked him up again. I heard him burst into our bedroom, saying, "cuh-kee, cuh-kee, cuh-kee." Rolf didn't have a chance. Essentially, Will said, "screw the scrambled eggs, Ma, Daddy gives me cookies." It's kind of Rolf's fault, though, because when he let me sleep in on Sunday, he fed Will graham crackers at breakfast.

Here is my little cookie monster in action.

1 comment:

The Suzinator said...

I love him!