Monday, September 1 - Labor Day. Will and Daddy share some of the last watermelon the season has to offer. Will could have eaten the whole thing, if we'd let him, but I didn't want to deal with the diapers that were sure to follow. I know daycare didn't, either.
Tuesday, September 2 - "Bye-bye!" Will decided that after the fit he threw at daycare (separation anxiety is a bitch) that he wanted to go out again. We're not sure where he wanted to go. He just wanted to be somewhere besides the house. I can't blame him; I'm the same way sometimes.
Wednesday, September 3 - Will and Daddy play. "Whee!"
Thursday, September 4 - Apparently inspired by the political season, Will practices his stump speech. He's got my vote!
Friday, September 5 - As an effort to make dropping off at daycare a little easier in the morning, I have started to send Will with his dog Boyd. After I picked up Will at 4:15, we got home to find Rolf had gotten the hot water heater taken care of (too much money, but at least the house is up to code now!). Will was tired and cranky and acted like he needed a nap. Rolf tried to put him down at around 5, when we realized that Boyd was nowhere to be found. In one terrible, sinking moment, I realized that Boyd was still at daycare. Knowing that we wouldn't get any sleep all weekend without him, I rushed back up to get Boyd and two pacis that had been left in the Infant II room. Will has been spending his afternoons in the 18-month room. He loves playing with the bigger kids, and honestly, I think he likes the teacher in that room a lot better, too. We rescued Boyd in time, and we figured out that Will's fussiness was as much hunger as anything else. In all the hubbub, we didn't get a picture.
Saturday, September 6 - Blanket monster! Arrrrr!
Sunday, September 7 - I think we're about to see another growth spurt, a developmental milestone, or a few teeth. Will has been eating everything he can get his hands on, he has been fussy fussy fussy, and he has been sleepy. He walks into his room, pulls his blanket through the crib bars, and requests "Boee?" and "Pah" (his dog Boyd and his paci). Then, popping the paci in his mouth, he cuddles up on the floor or in one of our laps. He usually only uses the paci to sleep at night, but I'm afraid it's starting to become a little security measure for his separation anxiety. We're going to have to work on weaning him of that soon.
I love to see that he is using his dragon blankie! Jack has been fussy, hungry, and sleepy too. I guess he's copying Will again. I swear those two send each other brain waves.
He sleeps under it every night. It's the perfect weight for summer - heavy enough to block the A/C, but light enough that he doesn't get all sweaty.
Sorry you're having to deal with the fussiness, too. Last night, Will craned his neck over the gate leading to the kitchen and said, "Da-da?" When I told him Dada was still on the road, he collapsed and was inconsolable until Brandon fought his way through traffic and back home - 30 minutes later. Ugh.
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