Monday, July 7 - While playing in his room, Will decided to use half of his Kansas City Chiefs bank as a hat. His Grandma and Grandpa gave him that bank, and we took the rare coins they had put in it out of the little guy's reach. Since this bank isn't breakable, we don't mind if it's within his reach.
Tuesday, July 8 - Will helps Mommy unload the groceries into the refrigerator. Somehow, he missed the memo that Mom had already cleaned the old stuff out of the fridge. He cleaned out the entire bottom shelf of the door before I got a single bag unloaded. We put everything back in, but by the time I emptied another bag, the door was empty again!
Wednesday, July 9 - Target finally put the kid-sized sling-back chairs on enough clearance for me to buy one for Will. We tried it out on the rug before we put it out on the patio with the big people sling-back chairs. Will really liked sitting in it. He can easily crawl out of it, but he hasn't quite figured out that he's not quite tall enough to be able just to back his bottom into it. It's cute to see him try, though.
Thursday, July 10 - Background Info: My grandad, who has been in assisted living apartments for just about a year now (he's blind from macular degeneration and uncoordinated from brain tumor surgery in 1976), is moving in with my parents soon. My mom had to get rid of the sleeper sofa they had in one of their guest rooms and offered it to us. We jumped at the chance so that we can have guests sleep at the house again. Unfortunately, our office looked more like a junk storage room than an office. I had been meaning to clean it out for a while, but this forced my hand. We cleaned out the closet and office, pulled up the nasty 35 year old carpet (we only have it in one room now!), repainted the room, and carried the tile from the living room and hallway into the office (hereafter to be referred to as the "library"). This is day one of Operation Guest Room. I was working at clearing off my desk, and I heard little grunts and shuffling sounds behind me. I turned around to see this. There really is no better toy than a box, is there?
Friday, July 11 - After months of eschewing tomato sauce in any form but ketchup (a trend that dates back to his days in utero), Will suddenly ate his lasagna with gusto. Maybe there was enough cheese to counter the tomator sauce, or maybe he was just really hungry. Whatever the reason, I was thrilled to see him try something new. Now if I could just turn him back on to more green veggies...
Saturday, July 12 - The biggest day of Operation Guest Room. We finished painting, pulled up the carpet, and laid the floor. Will wanted to help every step of the way. Unfortunately, that usually meant that he would pick up a knife or a screwdriver or something equally dangerous. This time, though, he picked up a (dry) paintbrush and helped touch up an already painted wall. Poor baby. I feel like this was one of the few times somebody wasn't yelling, "no, no!" at him. It was a tough weekend for the little man. He really just wanted to help. He's such a sweet and inquisitive boy.
Sunday, July 13 - Will sits on the couch in the new library/guest room. (I promise, the paint isn't nearly as pink as it looks in this picture. It's really a nice clay/terra cotta color.) Will is getting better and better about climbing up on and off of couches. It's more reassuring and more nerve-wracking at the same time.
We just have a few more things to place back into the guest room closet and some more books to move around, and we'll be finished. I am refusing to stash things just wherever the mood strikes this time. I've cleaned out my files and have a couple of boxes' worth of papers to shred, we've put shelves in the closet for stuff, and we have pulled enough stuff out to have a pretty good garage sale this coming weekend. If you're in the metroplex, tell people to come by! We have furniture, sporting equipment, baby items, and toys.
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