Monday, July 21 - We beat the heat by heading to Dairy Queen for ice cream. Will loved sharing Daddy's Peanut Buster Parfait.
Tuesday, July 22 - Another first. Will started pointing at the words in his books and saying, "bah bah bah dah bah." He's made the connection between the symbols on the page and the words we say. He has also started grabbing our fingers and pointing to the pictures he wants us to name. Often, our reading sessions sound like, "Tree. Alligator. Tree. Elmo. Tree. Tree. Alligator. Turtle. Tree."

Wednesday, July 23 - While visiting his Great-Grandad, Will finds a new toy: Grandad's cane. After a few harrowing moments of Will swinging the cane past the TV and Grandad's head, we maneuvered both Will and the cane out of harm's way.
Thursday, July 24 - Why so serious? Will does his Joker impersonation with fruit for makeup.
Friday, July 25 - I promise, he isn't wearing the same shirt as yesterday's picture! Here is my little piano man, tickling the ivories.
Saturday, July 26 - Instead of a picture today, I'll post a video. Sorry about the poor quality; it was taken on my cell phone. We went out to eat, and Will decided he wanted to share Daddy's french onion soup. The reaction at around 20 seconds is priceless.
Sunday, July 27 - Will is such a big helper that he helped Daddy do the dishes this morning. Unfortunately, he was too fascinated by the utensil caddy (especially the knives), so we had to divert his attention elsewhere.
So cute!
How did you divert him from the dishwasher? Our youngest has such an overwhelming fascination with it that nothing we try diverts him-- we actually have either to physically restrain him or wait until he's asleep to load and unload.
Rolf continued the dishes, and I had to take Will into the living room and read one of his favorite books to him. I put the baby gate up so he couldn't get back in the kitchen until danger was over.
I'm especially wary of the dishwasher because one of my students lost a one-year-old cousin last December when he fell on a knife that was in the dishwasher. I NEVER put the utensils face up for that reason, but Will is at the stage where he needs to pick everything up.
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