Monday, July 14 - This is Will's "The Whole World Is Against Me and My Life Is Pure Sadness" face. If his feelings have reason to be hurt, it breaks my heart. However, most of the time he uses it to make us feel bad for telling him "no." Then it doesn't affect me at all.
Tuesday, July 15 - I hear a bang from the other room, head to the living room to find that Will had pulled on the cord that plugs in the baby monitor in our room and taken the monitor for a tour of the house. I think he was intrigued by what he could hear coming from the unit.
Wednesday, July 16 - With fresh batteries, the bubble machine cranks out bubbles like crazy. Will thought it fun to catch them in his mouth. I will post a short video of this later.
Thursday, July 17 - "What are you looking at? Haven't you ever seen a toddler brush his teeth?" He's getting better at it all the time. Instead of just chewing and sucking on the brush, he now twists his wrist to imitate our brushing action.
Friday, July 18 - We were getting ready for a garage sale. I sold some of Will's baby stuff because they were taking up too much room, and while we hope to have another someday, it won't be for a few years (if we're lucky enough that lightning strikes twice). I have some other stuff saved, but I don't know how practical that really is. Here, Will says goodbye to his infant gym. The picture I wanted to get was of him sitting in the gym with the mirror up against his face, cooing at the cute baby in it. Alas, the camera batteries were dead, and by the time I got them changed, this is what I could get.
P.S. Rolf and I went to see The Dark Knight later that evening. Totally freaking awesome. I would love to see it again.
Saturday, July 19 - After Will returned home from Grandma and Grandad's (his refuge from the late night movie and busy garage sale morning), we played outside. Will, of course, had to find a stick. Here he is using it to chase down the bubbles.
Sunday, July 20 - Will and Mommy discuss the idiocy of holding a garage sale in July in Texas. Saturday was very successful (the high only reached 92 before we quit), Sunday, not so much (the temperature was a muggy 92 by 10:30 A.M.). The bear and pillows ended up in Goodwill, and the couch will either go there or to the Salvation Army. It's a great couch for an apartment - a very lightweight, easily movable (Rolf and I can each carry it on our own), and it folds out into a sleeper. If you know anyone who might need it in the metroplex, send them my way!
1 comment:
That is the cutest sad face ever. I hope he doesn't do it around me b/c he'll get whatever he wants!
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