Monday, June 30 - Will stayed with my mom and dad while Rolf and I went to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It was our first time to see a movie since Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last summer. We enjoyed our date and the movie. Will enjoyed my parents' backyard, including a fire ant pile that he stood in, uncomplaining, until my dad noticed the critters on him and swooped him out of danger. Unfortunately, over two dozen of the beasts bit my baby. Will had his foot covered in blistery pustules, as you can see here. They were on the top of his foot, on his ankle, on his toes, between his toes, and even on the ball of his foot! He never complained about his foot itching or hurting, though. What a trooper! I took this the day after, when we were on the first leg of our road trip to Missouri to visit Rolf's family. The kid has great timing, doesn't he?
Tuesday, July 1 - This was after Will had awakened from his first nap on the road. I don't believe we were quite out of Texas at this point. He was still in a good mood. That would change intermittently over the next couple of days, although I must say, Will was extremely well behaved for 95% of the trip. The other 5%, I was tired and grouchy, so I know Will was. He was amazing.
Wednesday, July 2 - We finally arrive in MO, and Will takes a walk with Grandpa in front of their house. You can just see the lake at the bottom of the hill. It is beautiful up there.
Thursday, July 3 - Will plays peek-a-boo with one of his great aunts. He has two named Vicki, although I don't think they spell them the same. The Missouri Aunt Vicki(e?) was having a great time with the little booger here. They were laughing their heads off.

Friday, July 4 - Will's first boat trip. Once he got used to the noise of the motor, Will loved looking out at the lake, picking up sticks from the floor of the boat, and wandering around in his swimsuit/life jacket. A word of advice: swim diapers are really only good as poop catchers. Poor Will had pee running down his leg before we'd been out an hour and a half.
Saturday, July 5 - Will says goodbye to Grandpa and Grandma. Literally. While we were there, he started to say, "bye-bye" as he waved. Before, it was more of a "baaah!" Now he's got it down. I'll post later on the other vocabulary he's picked up recently. (Get your minds out of the gutter - it's all innocent. Sheesh.) He had a great time up there, running around, looking at the birds, petting the dogs and cat, and seeing new things. He also enjoyed spending time with his Grandma and Grandpa. I think they enjoyed the time with him, too.
Sunday, July 6 - My brave little guy has survived five nights in strange locations, out of his area of comfort. He's also dealt with three and a half 4+ hour days in the car, a disrupted nap schedule, people making a fuss over him (as well they should) :-), and unfamiliar food. He has been amazing, only screaming in the car 20 minutes total. We went to a Toys 'R' Us in Arkansas to pick up more diapers (I ended up being one short for the week), and we got him a couple of books as a reward for his bravery and patience. Here he is, reading about pets. He saw lots in MO - five dogs and a kitty. He loves animals, and he loves books, so he was thrilled to read this book. I love his look of concentration.
1 comment:
Wow, Will is such a good baby. Great pictures, Amy and Brandon! I hope y'all are doing well and enjoying the summer. We need to get together soon. - Laura Vaughn
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