08 April 2008

Will's Vocabulary

Thus far, at a week shy of 11 months, Will has said:

"dood-dog" - good dog (for any furry critter - squirrels, cats, cows, and of course, dogs)
"dindoh" - window
"dada" - dada
"mama" - mama
"gangah" - grandad
"mum mum mum" - num num num
"thilly" - silly (I swear, he said it! He was copying Rolf during a diaper change)
"mmm" - yummy sound when he had a bite of cheese
"uh-uh" - uh-oh

If he's getting into something he's not supposed to, he'll look at us, grin, and shake his head vigorously from side to side.

He squeals in delight if we head to the garage to get in the car. I think he loves his new carseats that enable him to see out of the window.

Did I mention he can whistle? He watches us whistle, purses his lips, and says, "ooo." Occasionally, he'll actually get a whistle in. Appropriate, since we call him Sweet Pea. Usually, his whistles happen on the inhale, but it's a bona fide whistle, for all that.

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