Today we went to visit maggie and patrick's new diggs. they have a new pool that will wanted to look at, but not play in. he seems to have an aversion to large amounts of water...little guy didn't even like seeing daddy do a giant cannonball off the diving board.
we also helped will's great grand dad move back in with his grandparents. it wasn't alot of furniture... but the presence helped fill the room.
ghostie is mourning the loss of summer vacation while i take a few days off from work and fix some things around the house this coming week.
i'll be working behind the scenes on a site re-design and possible new host over the coming months. we'll see where that adventure takes us. if you have any suggestions, or just want to tell us what you'd like to see more of, leave a comment or send us an email.
I know the blog is mostly a Will thing, but I'd love to see what else y'all are thinking about and doing these days. What's in your feed readers? What are your thoughts on the elections? And so on.
We went to see the Henson exhibit at the Smithsonian yesterday. Holy smokes! There was an unfortunate preponderance of Elmo merchandise in the store, but other than it was fantastic. You guys would have loved it.
Tell me what theme you'd like to go for, and I may be able to hook you up with some graphics for the site redesign.
too bad about elmopalooza in the shrine of the henson. aside from that it sounds right up our alley.
i'm not a terribly social person, and don't care for the various social network avenues of expression. ghostie keeps up with her students using the web. me. i find free vector artwork sites. font foundries, and and general print/ ad design sites very interesting. I'm more interested in the delivery of message via various media. doesn't matter what it is as long as it's clever and relevant (or just plain cool).
Liz: i may take you up on the image offer, i'm playing around with adobe go live right now...seems to have a whole lotta power with very little documentation. not usually a good mix. we'll see how i do with it. i may just revert back to straight html with some illustrator stuff thrown in. dunno. but ghostie made a point the other day about me not posting and i felt that i needed to step back up to the plate.
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