Monday, August 11 - This is one of Will's favorite activities - crawling up on the hearth. Unfortunately, it usually accompanies leaning on the firescreen or pulling on the fan.
Tuesday, August 12 - Will discusses with Daddy the finer points of dinner.

Wednesday, August 13 - Grandad's birthday. Here is Will with birthday cake on his face.
Thursday, August 14 - Since Will has decided meat is only a sometimes thing we had to look to alternative sources for protein. Good thing he likes beans!
Friday August 15 - See that green stuff hanging off his lip? That's guacamole. That's why he's making this face. He isn't so fond of the ambrosia of the Texan gods just yet.

Saturday, August 16 - It looks like we beat him up, doesn't it? Will woke up this morning with his left eye swollen and caked shut. I took him to PrimaCare because the last time that happened, he had an ear infection that had backed up into his eye. This time, it was just a sinus infection. Poor punkin looked worse than he seemed to feel.
Sunday, August 17 - "Done." Will struggles to fling his plate, still with food on it, to the floor. Mommy struggles equally hard to prevent said food from flying all over the kitchen. I'd say this one ended up a draw.
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