Monday, July 28 - Will's favorite new game is a version of hide and seek. I'll "run" from him, hide so he knows where I am, and when he nears, come out and say "boo!" He nearly falls over laughing from it. I caught his face as I said "boo!" here.
Tuesday, July 29 - I apologize for the overexposure. Will begged for an Oreo, so I gave him one. He turned around a couple of minutes later to show me this full beard made of Oreo goo. I took this one, saw it was overexposed and took another before Will started to reach for things with his chocolate hands. I quickly cleaned him up. When I looked at the camera later, the other one hadn't processed right, so this is the only capture I got. :-(
Wednesday, July 30 - Do you think he's getting tired of the camera in his face every day?
Thursday, July 31 - We moved our recycle bin into the kitchen from the laundry room so that we'll use it more. Will was instantly intrigued and had a great time pulling this cardboard packaging in and out, in and out.
Friday, August 1 - I love the look on his face. The paw you see at the bottom of the picture is the Bear in the Big Blue House stuffed animal Rolf got me back in the late 90's. It was in our attic, and Rolf fished it out for Will to play with. Bear is nearly as big as Will!
Saturday, August 2 - See previous post on Will's response to Rolf's playing video games.
Sunday, August 3 - Attack of the Giant Baby? Nah, just Will climbing all over Rolf from the perspective of Rolf on the floor. Doesn't my boy have beautiful brown eyes?
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