Today we went to visit maggie and patrick's new diggs. they have a new pool that will wanted to look at, but not play in. he seems to have an aversion to large amounts of water...little guy didn't even like seeing daddy do a giant cannonball off the diving board.
we also helped will's great grand dad move back in with his grandparents. it wasn't alot of furniture... but the presence helped fill the room.
ghostie is mourning the loss of summer vacation while i take a few days off from work and fix some things around the house this coming week.
i'll be working behind the scenes on a site re-design and possible new host over the coming months. we'll see where that adventure takes us. if you have any suggestions, or just want to tell us what you'd like to see more of, leave a comment or send us an email.
30 August 2008
27 August 2008
Project 365 Week 15
Monday, August 18 - It was the beginning of my first week back at school. Bleah. All I got of him was the video of him calling his daddy that I previously posted.

Tuesday, August 19 - It was pouring. Will thought it was tons o' fun to play under our leaky gutters, until he slipped on the wet concrete and fell flat on his back. Scared me to death, but only shook him up for a minute or two.

Wednesday, August 20 - After a total meltdown at daycare, crying inconsolably for over an hour, Will had a good day at home with Daddy. Ruined Mommy's birthday when she found out via voicemail three hours later, but that's okay. Here he is showing off his new feat: climbing up on the couch.

Thursday, August 21 - I turned around in the car to see this. Will had grabbed his baseball cap and thrust it on his head. Or at least balanced it on the top. :-)

Friday, August 22 - The city of Mesquite finally got its act together and instituted an official recycling program that is both visible and publicly advertised. These bins were on the front porches of everyone in the neighborhood. Will just thought it was a new push toy.

Saturday, August 23 - This was after an abbreviated birthday-lunch outing for Mommy. Rolf tried to take us out for a nice dinner, but Will didn't feel like playing. Once we got him home and napped, he still didn't want to do much besides snuggle his puppy Boyd. He still looks snarky, doesn't he?

Sunday, August 24 - We have finally put away the high chair for good. Will is in a big boy booster seat now. He likes feeling like a big boy.
Tuesday, August 19 - It was pouring. Will thought it was tons o' fun to play under our leaky gutters, until he slipped on the wet concrete and fell flat on his back. Scared me to death, but only shook him up for a minute or two.
Wednesday, August 20 - After a total meltdown at daycare, crying inconsolably for over an hour, Will had a good day at home with Daddy. Ruined Mommy's birthday when she found out via voicemail three hours later, but that's okay. Here he is showing off his new feat: climbing up on the couch.

Thursday, August 21 - I turned around in the car to see this. Will had grabbed his baseball cap and thrust it on his head. Or at least balanced it on the top. :-)
Friday, August 22 - The city of Mesquite finally got its act together and instituted an official recycling program that is both visible and publicly advertised. These bins were on the front porches of everyone in the neighborhood. Will just thought it was a new push toy.
Saturday, August 23 - This was after an abbreviated birthday-lunch outing for Mommy. Rolf tried to take us out for a nice dinner, but Will didn't feel like playing. Once we got him home and napped, he still didn't want to do much besides snuggle his puppy Boyd. He still looks snarky, doesn't he?
Sunday, August 24 - We have finally put away the high chair for good. Will is in a big boy booster seat now. He likes feeling like a big boy.
18 August 2008
17 August 2008
Project 365 Week 14
Monday, August 11 - This is one of Will's favorite activities - crawling up on the hearth. Unfortunately, it usually accompanies leaning on the firescreen or pulling on the fan.
Tuesday, August 12 - Will discusses with Daddy the finer points of dinner.

Wednesday, August 13 - Grandad's birthday. Here is Will with birthday cake on his face.
Thursday, August 14 - Since Will has decided meat is only a sometimes thing we had to look to alternative sources for protein. Good thing he likes beans!
Friday August 15 - See that green stuff hanging off his lip? That's guacamole. That's why he's making this face. He isn't so fond of the ambrosia of the Texan gods just yet.

Saturday, August 16 - It looks like we beat him up, doesn't it? Will woke up this morning with his left eye swollen and caked shut. I took him to PrimaCare because the last time that happened, he had an ear infection that had backed up into his eye. This time, it was just a sinus infection. Poor punkin looked worse than he seemed to feel.
Sunday, August 17 - "Done." Will struggles to fling his plate, still with food on it, to the floor. Mommy struggles equally hard to prevent said food from flying all over the kitchen. I'd say this one ended up a draw.
10 August 2008
Okay, One More...
I promise, this is the last one tonight.
Here's Will looking at a Halloween costume catalog we got in the mail. If you listen closely, you'll hear him identify the Cookie Monster costume. He then proceeds to eat from his fruit bar, and ID's Cookie once again. When he's really earnest about saying the word "cookie," his entire face turns red, his fists ball up, and that vein pops out on his head. It's hysterical.
He's getting much better, though. Just this weekend, we started hearing more of the "oo" in "cookie." So now it's more like "coo-kh."
Here's Will looking at a Halloween costume catalog we got in the mail. If you listen closely, you'll hear him identify the Cookie Monster costume. He then proceeds to eat from his fruit bar, and ID's Cookie once again. When he's really earnest about saying the word "cookie," his entire face turns red, his fists ball up, and that vein pops out on his head. It's hysterical.
He's getting much better, though. Just this weekend, we started hearing more of the "oo" in "cookie." So now it's more like "coo-kh."
Project 365 Week 13
Monday, August 4 - My boys are dressed alike. Aren't they cute?
Tuesday, August 5 - Will's favorite post-dinner activity - watering the plants with Daddy. The constant 100+ degree heat is really starting to take its toll.
Wednesday, August 6 - Will helps Mommy in her room at school. He had a blast playing soccer with the principal's secretary, running the long hallway, and coloring on some butcher paper. He also helped Mommy find her scissors, a screwdriver, her stapler, her push pins...
Thursday, August 7 - Will's new thing is the "Ahh!" of refreshment after drinking from his cup.
Friday, August 8 - In honor of the Olympics, Will wears his red, white, and blue "America" Mickey Mouse pajamas. Though you can't tell it here, the graphics actually look vaguely Soviet. Oh, well. The spirit of the Olympics is about unity in diversity, right? Will's just learning that early.
Saturday, August 9 - Will's friend Jack turned one today, and his Uncle Richi also turned a year older. Jack had a party, and Will had a blast. Mommy just forgot to take any pictures. I pulled this one from Jack's blog.
Sunday, August 10 - Will tries his new strawberry fruit snacks. He wasn't sure about the texture at first, but he soon gobbled it all up.
A Typical Day in Dogpatch, U.S.A.
For his birthday, Will's friend got him this bowling set. The pins are milk bottles, and the ball is a cow. When the cow is rolled (or shaken), it plays banjo music and moos.
He's a little late, but I think Will could have auditioned for my cousin's production of Lil' Abner (showing at the Campus Theatre in Denton through the 17th). He would be the littlest denizen of Dogpatch, but all it would take is some banjo music, and he'd fit right in. Check it out:
He's a little late, but I think Will could have auditioned for my cousin's production of Lil' Abner (showing at the Campus Theatre in Denton through the 17th). He would be the littlest denizen of Dogpatch, but all it would take is some banjo music, and he'd fit right in. Check it out:
03 August 2008
Project 365 Week 12
Monday, July 28 - Will's favorite new game is a version of hide and seek. I'll "run" from him, hide so he knows where I am, and when he nears, come out and say "boo!" He nearly falls over laughing from it. I caught his face as I said "boo!" here.
Tuesday, July 29 - I apologize for the overexposure. Will begged for an Oreo, so I gave him one. He turned around a couple of minutes later to show me this full beard made of Oreo goo. I took this one, saw it was overexposed and took another before Will started to reach for things with his chocolate hands. I quickly cleaned him up. When I looked at the camera later, the other one hadn't processed right, so this is the only capture I got. :-(
Wednesday, July 30 - Do you think he's getting tired of the camera in his face every day?
Thursday, July 31 - We moved our recycle bin into the kitchen from the laundry room so that we'll use it more. Will was instantly intrigued and had a great time pulling this cardboard packaging in and out, in and out.
Friday, August 1 - I love the look on his face. The paw you see at the bottom of the picture is the Bear in the Big Blue House stuffed animal Rolf got me back in the late 90's. It was in our attic, and Rolf fished it out for Will to play with. Bear is nearly as big as Will!
Saturday, August 2 - See previous post on Will's response to Rolf's playing video games.
Sunday, August 3 - Attack of the Giant Baby? Nah, just Will climbing all over Rolf from the perspective of Rolf on the floor. Doesn't my boy have beautiful brown eyes?
No, it's not a typo. Rolf started a minicity for Will here, but someone had already taken "Willsworld" as the name. Grrr...
Anyway, you can visit once a day, and each visit marks a growth in population. Eventually, we (and by "we" I mean Rolf) can build a little society with industry, transportation, etc. Those of you who like sim games can understand his enthusiasm for this project. Those of you who don't - well, visit the link often for Will's sake. :-) Rolf put a permanent link to it on the side column. Feel free to leave a message on the bulletin board there.
Anyway, you can visit once a day, and each visit marks a growth in population. Eventually, we (and by "we" I mean Rolf) can build a little society with industry, transportation, etc. Those of you who like sim games can understand his enthusiasm for this project. Those of you who don't - well, visit the link often for Will's sake. :-) Rolf put a permanent link to it on the side column. Feel free to leave a message on the bulletin board there.
Daddy's Boy (and Mommy's, Too!)
Will was born into a family of gamers. I have had a video game console (or at least a computer) in my place of residence continuously since I was four years old. There's really no way we could (or would) keep Will from games. In fact, Will was only a few months old when he first sat in Rolf's lap to help him conquer the world via X-Box:

Even at such a young age, Will figured out that there was some connection to the green controller and what happened on the screen. If I remember correctly, Will rotated the map of Rolf's strategic war game at dizzying speed continuously for a minute or so.
Here is Will yesterday, after he awoke from his nap. Rolf was playing Lego Star Wars II, and as you can see, Will had plenty of advice to offer:
Even at such a young age, Will figured out that there was some connection to the green controller and what happened on the screen. If I remember correctly, Will rotated the map of Rolf's strategic war game at dizzying speed continuously for a minute or so.
Here is Will yesterday, after he awoke from his nap. Rolf was playing Lego Star Wars II, and as you can see, Will had plenty of advice to offer:
A Little Perspective
In one of the final stages of our whole-house clutter-busting cleanup, I finally allowed myself to go through Will's old clothes and sort out what to keep and what to donate. We kept very little. Besides a few gender-neutral tees for those first few days, we kept Will's Halloween costume, his Christmas outfit, a teensy onesie from when the 0-3 month stuff swallowed him and he wore NB (which was still big!), his first UNT t-shirt (his "smart cookie" shirt), and the outfit we brought him home in. It's amazing to me how much he's grown even just this summer, but check out the difference between 3 days and 14 1/2 months:
I had the cap tucked in behind his head, but it still kept slipping down.
Here was the other day:

The child has inherited the big head that both his parents possess. We like to think it's to hold all of his brains.
I had the cap tucked in behind his head, but it still kept slipping down.
Here was the other day:
The child has inherited the big head that both his parents possess. We like to think it's to hold all of his brains.
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