01 November 2008

CuhKey Monster!

Will had a blast visiitng his NiNi and PaPa. PawPaw had just built a covered back patio with a low fence that let him play with the dogs without having to worry about getting knocked over. They spoiled him with candy. YUM!

Then we went to visit Granma, Granddad, and GreatGranddad. We had fun with the trick or treaters that came to their door and watching some horrible b movie camp with boris karloff and jack nicholson. Will was getting a littly tired by the end of the evening but we all had a wonderful time.

Ghostie was running a pretty bad temp by the end of the night. She has been under the weather for the last few days and here fever seems to come and go. we left just as it was getting to it's highest point of the day.

pics of the evening to follow


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