20 September 2007

4 Month Checkup

Good grief, how is he already four months old?

Length - 24.75" (around 50th percentile)
Weight - 14 lbs., 9.5 oz. (around 50th percentile)
Head - 17.5" (around 90th percentile)

I promise you, he is not a lollipop kid! He just has his daddy's huge noggin. Seriously, the older Will gets, the more he looks like Rolf.

The doctor said he had gotten over his ear infections beautifully, and that we were fine to start him on cereal. I admitted we already had because he was screaming every two hours for food. I didn't tell her that we had already been through nearly two boxes of rice cereal and had graduated to oatmeal and rice with bananas. We even tried sweet potatoes last week. He had a couple of blow-outs after that, but we don't know if it was the end of the amoxicillin or the sweet potatoes that caused that. We suspended the sweet potatoes, just in case. We are trying carrots this week. Will doesn't seem to like carrots too much. He will eat a few spoonfuls, but then he looks like he's nearly gagging trying to swallow them, so we'll stop for the night. They say to try new foods for 4-5 nights before giving up on it so the little tykes can get used to the taste. Will may end up like his mommy, though, and dislike cooked carrots. We'll see. I'm very conscientious about keeping my face happy or neutral so he doesn't get any bad vibes toward the carrots from me.

It's really fun to find new things to feed him. We'll try sweet potatoes or squash next week. Our doctor told us to start with the yellow veggies, then head to the green and THEN to fruits. My mom says there's nothing worse than green bean baby food. We may stick with peas, if that's the case. Who knows? My child may be strange enough to eschew carrots but love green beans. We'll see.

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