06 December 2008

Conversation in our car this evening

Will: "Shew! Shew!"
Mommy: "Punkin, did you go poo-poo?"
Will: "Poo-poo. Shew!"

I'm glad he's starting to communicate these events with us, even if it's not always accurate. After we found a parking lot to pull into, there was no smell emanating from his diaper. Maybe it was a toot?


Recovering Sociopath said...


Our 18 month old is similarly unreliable, although today he did accurately report to me that the noise and vibration I felt against my arm as I carried him were "juss a tyoot."

Recovering Sociopath said...

That would be 27 month old, not 18 month old. And I haven't even finished my glass of wine...

Ghost Writer said...

Yeah, the 18 month old would be mine.

Must be some good wine. :-)