12 December 2008

Can you help?

I don't usually use this blog for things like this, but this is kind of a special project for my students.

The Invisible Children Schools 4 Schools program partners a school stateside with a school ravaged by war in Uganda. The (student) leaders from the top 12 money-raising schools in the country get to travel to Uganda, spend time with their counterparts over there, and generally have a life-changing experience. The video they showed tore my heart out.

My school is currently leading its cluster (beating out several much, much richer schools in Texas). We are, apparently, neck and neck with a couple of the other schools. The girl who brought this cause to my school is a fantastic kid. I would love to help send her on this trip. My classes at school (4 sophomore classes) donated nearly 1900 books to ship overseas (the school is nearing 10,000). Now, they're trying to help Horn High be one of the top money-raising schools in the nation.

I know everyone seems to have a hand out this time of the year, but if you could donate just a couple of dollars, it would go to a good cause and help send one of the most terrific kids I've met on the journey of her life.

Time is running out! They have until Wednesday, December 17 to do this.


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