Ah, yes. The genetic fascination with writing utensils. I'm so proud.
In his cute Cookie Monster sweatsuit he got from Grandma and Grandpa.
This is why he loves Boyd so much - his tail. He also is re-addicted to his paci. I wish it weren't so, but he has to have that thing with him.
We cleaned out the fireplace so we could light a fire one cold evening. Will had to help. Since it was flameless, we let him. He knows not to touch the fireplace unless Mommy or Daddy says it's okay.
I just love fall colors. I am an autumn, and judging by this picture, so is my son. He has gorgeous chocolatey brown eyes. Mine are hazel-green, and Rolf's are brown-green, but Will's are pure brown.
For some reason, the advent of cold weather puts me in the mood for ice cream, so on our way home on Friday, we stopped by Dairy Queen. This was way past Will's bedtime, but he saw fit to shake himself out of his stupor, grab his fork, and help himself to my sundae. He always wants to eat what I have. Apparently, whatever Mama eats is teh awesome, even if it's the same thing that's on his plate. He'll say, "bites? bites?" Sometimes, that's followed with a "theeze," but usually it's followed by an open-mouthed, "aaaaahh." He has to be hitting another growth spurt soon because he is an eating machine. I made pancakes for breakfast this morning, and he ate two and a half full-sized, grownup pancakes. Holy cow.
He takes so much joy in everything! He's a cutie! - Laura
Chocolately brown eyes are pretty darn cute!
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