I tell you all of this not to elicit your sympathy, but to offer some excuse for my absence in posting and my disorganization when it comes to the pictures.
Without further ado, here is what my darling boy has been up to the past couple of weeks.
Monday, October 13 - Will has a little leftover 'nana pudding from Daddy's birthday celebration at Will's Nini (who may become Nana) & Papa's. Will feels the need to style his hair with whatever his food is.
Tuesday, October 14 - He has such long eyelashes.
Wednesday, October 15 - Will has a strange affinity for my phone. He won't mess with Rolf's, but if mine is unattended for five seconds, he finds it and starts pushing buttons. He actually called his grandma the other day. The cuteness in this video gives me a twinge of guilt, too. I have taken his picture so much for this Project 365 that when he sees the camera, he starts blinking against the anticipated flash. I hope I'm not damaging his eyes. I'm trying to get more shots that aren't head on.
Thursday, October 16 - My little artist. Give the boy a writing utensil and something to write on, and he's a happy boy. Here he sports his painting smock from Harrod's in London. I found it at a consignment sale and couldn't resist. Harrod's was one of the places Rolf and I missed during our trip to London, and we wish we could have gone. Below, you can see the pumpkin Will's grandma got him to paint for Halloween. Will picked the different colors. I was just there to pull the caps off the paint pens for him.
Friday, October 17 - I don't even remember this day.
Saturday, October 18 - Beautiful weather, so we sat outside for a while after dinner. To my surprise, Will was suddenly tall enough to climb in and out of his chair on his own. I knew he'd grown over the past couple of weeks, but this confirmed it for me. He's just chillin' here.
Sunday, October 19 - Will plays with Mommy's headbands and looks up at Daddy with the sweetest puppy dog eyes. The bump under his eye is the result of an overly-energetic dance move at daycare. He spun around, lost his balance, and his face met the corner of a shelf. Ouch!
Monday, October 20-Friday, October 24 - An entire week's worth of pictures are MIA. I don't know their location at this point. If I find them later, I'll post them.
Saturday, October 25 - Will and Mommy at the Halloween Carnival, er, Fall Fun Festival, at Mommy's school. He hadn't been feeling super well, but he felt better in time to have a great evening.
Sunday, October 26 - Will's favorite kitchen activity - playing with the drawers we left unlocked for him. I think he'll have a lot of fun learning to cook in a couple of years.
Monday, October 27 - ??? I had started feeling pretty bad by then, so who knows?
Tuesday, October 28 - We had soup for dinner to try to help soothe my throat. Is there any better comfort food than grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup? I don't think so. Will seemed to like it, too. After he couldn't scoop anything else up with his spoon, he grabbed the bowl and drank. Rolf was so proud.
Wednesday, October 29 - see Oct. 27
Thursday, October 30 - I hung in for a half day at work so I could get my stuff ready for the sub, then came home and crashed. I picked Will up at 4, came back home, and collapsed on the couch again, getting worse with every passing minute. Will was so sweet. He grabbed my drink from the coffee table and brought it to me. When I ran to the bathroom to lose my lunch, he followed me in and asked, "are you okay?" I swear, he said it!
Friday, October 31 - I finally went to the doctor to get fixed up, and we headed to the grandparents' houses to trick-or-treat. We put a "quarantine" sign on our front door and left a bowl of candy for trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. I figured I could handle sitting on a couch and watching my little man have fun with his grandparents. This is my little Cookie Monster heading up the sidewalk to Nana and Papa's house. Forgive the gangsta hike up of his pants. It was not part of the costume. As a side note, Halloween marks the 13th anniversary of Rolf's and my first date: Harry Connick, Jr. at the Super Pit in Denton. Floor seats. Awesome. I still have the pick HCJ used at the concert.
Saturday, November 1 - Nana and Papa had volunteered to take Will and play for a few hours so I could rest and Rolf could pick up the house a bit. I pulled the carseat out of my car and set it in the kitchen so they could install it in their car when they came to pick him up. Will woke up from his nap, wandered into the kitchen, and immediately sat down in his car seat.
Sunday, November 2 - Will helps himself to a blueberry muffin for breakfast. Look how much older he looks now than he did at the beginning of October.
Sooo cute as the Cookie Monster! He's growing up so fast, and he just gets more and more adorable! - Those eyes!! - Laura
Adorable! The googly eyes on the costume just killed me.
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