Monday, June 23 - The beginning of a pretty rough week for the little guy. Poor Will has a really hard time teething, and he doesn't teethe just one at a time. Oh, no. He'll get 3 or 4 at once. Monday, he was just a tired little guy. His big development was that he figured out how to propel himself forward on his ride-on toys. Hooray, Will! This has been a big source of frustration for him over the last couple of weeks. He has been able to get on and off, but he couldn't go anywhere while he was on until today.
Tuesday, June 24 - Pretty much how the day went. Overnight, Will didn't sleep more than an hour and a half at a time, and he was up from 3:30-6:45. He was up for the day before 8. He cried if I didn't hold him, he cried even harder if I did, and if I put him back down, it was even worse than before. Poor baby was feverish, fussy, and inconsolable. Mommy had a pretty rough day, too. After being up all night, Will didn't nap until 3:30 PM, so there was no way I could sleep by then. Ugh.
Wednesday, June 25 - Not two minutes prior to this, all the toys were put away in the basket. Of course, Will noticed the cool stuff once Mommy put it all away. Within 30 seconds, the basket was essentially empty. Will nearly did a flip into the basket as he reached for the toys he hadn't seen in months. Instead of being concerned at his scream of frustration, I grabbed the camera. Does that make me a bad mom?
Thursday, June 26 - Our sweet boy has returned. After a full night's sleep plus a five hour nap, his mood (and mine) improved dramatically. Here he is, surrounded by his books, reading before bedtime. Yes, I'm aware he's looking at the book upside down, but I just love that he's grabbing books like crazy and reading whatever he can get his hands on.
Friday, June 27 - A post-dinner pastime: digging through the cabinets in the kitchen. These are the only two he can look in. There isn't much he can do to harm my steamer or my double boiler, and the lids make good noise. We don't let him anywhere there are glass bowls or chemicals. There's not much more fun to a little boy than something that makes lots of noise. :-)
Saturday, June 28 - Prelude to Will's first bratty public meltdown. We went to the grocery store, and by the time we were in line to check out, Will was in full-blown scream mode. After the idiot woman in front of us decided to move her cell-phone-talking-complaining-about-my-son's-freakout happy self out of the line so I could remove the boy from the situation and make everybody happier, we went outside, where Will eventually calmed down (once we got in the car and were on the way home). There was no reason for this screaming fit - he wasn't hungry, tired, or thirsty. He just decided that Tom Thumb wasn't where he wanted to be. I'm just glad it didn't get too bad until we were about ready to go and Rolf could take care of the checkout.
Sunday, June 29 - We're back to the sweet little boy today. Here he is, playing the superhero with his blanket as cape.
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