Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day brings ice cream and Grandma and Grandad's. Will wasn't too fond of Grandad's smoked ham, but he did like the dessert!
Tuesday, May 27 - Incident report #1: Will gets bitten again. I'm not supposed to know who did it, but I have a pretty darn good idea. Usually they play well together, so it shouldn't be too big of a problem. Besides, Will only has one more solid week in daycare until we can stay home together this summer, and I know I won't bite him.
Wednesday, May 28 - Incident report #2 of the week. Will was walking to the table for lunch, and he tripped. His eyebrow found the corner of the table. Ouch!
Thursday, May 29 - Will watches the Beautiful Game. Not that we're dropping hints that he play or anything. :-)
Friday, May 30 - Will LOVES to brush his teeth. If one of us takes the toothbrush for him, he throws a big hissy fit. He'll brush a couple of strokes, then "dip" his toothbrush in the sink, then brush some more. You'd think it wouldn't take 5 minutes to brush 7 teeth, but Will does.
Saturday, May 31 - Will tries out his new wheels - a stroller for walking with Mommy this summer. Mommy likes it because it has real rubber wheels, shocks, and a nice canopy. Will likes it because he sits up high so he can see more and because he can play with the wheel as mommy drives.
Sunday, June 1 - Mommy and Daddy finally get around to getting some sand for Will's sand and water table. Will is going to have a LOT of fun with this over the summer.
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