29 June 2008

Project 365 Week 7

Monday, June 23 - The beginning of a pretty rough week for the little guy. Poor Will has a really hard time teething, and he doesn't teethe just one at a time. Oh, no. He'll get 3 or 4 at once. Monday, he was just a tired little guy. His big development was that he figured out how to propel himself forward on his ride-on toys. Hooray, Will! This has been a big source of frustration for him over the last couple of weeks. He has been able to get on and off, but he couldn't go anywhere while he was on until today.

Tuesday, June 24 - Pretty much how the day went. Overnight, Will didn't sleep more than an hour and a half at a time, and he was up from 3:30-6:45. He was up for the day before 8. He cried if I didn't hold him, he cried even harder if I did, and if I put him back down, it was even worse than before. Poor baby was feverish, fussy, and inconsolable. Mommy had a pretty rough day, too. After being up all night, Will didn't nap until 3:30 PM, so there was no way I could sleep by then. Ugh.

Wednesday, June 25 - Not two minutes prior to this, all the toys were put away in the basket. Of course, Will noticed the cool stuff once Mommy put it all away. Within 30 seconds, the basket was essentially empty. Will nearly did a flip into the basket as he reached for the toys he hadn't seen in months. Instead of being concerned at his scream of frustration, I grabbed the camera. Does that make me a bad mom?

Thursday, June 26 - Our sweet boy has returned. After a full night's sleep plus a five hour nap, his mood (and mine) improved dramatically. Here he is, surrounded by his books, reading before bedtime. Yes, I'm aware he's looking at the book upside down, but I just love that he's grabbing books like crazy and reading whatever he can get his hands on.

Friday, June 27 - A post-dinner pastime: digging through the cabinets in the kitchen. These are the only two he can look in. There isn't much he can do to harm my steamer or my double boiler, and the lids make good noise. We don't let him anywhere there are glass bowls or chemicals. There's not much more fun to a little boy than something that makes lots of noise. :-)

Saturday, June 28 - Prelude to Will's first bratty public meltdown. We went to the grocery store, and by the time we were in line to check out, Will was in full-blown scream mode. After the idiot woman in front of us decided to move her cell-phone-talking-complaining-about-my-son's-freakout happy self out of the line so I could remove the boy from the situation and make everybody happier, we went outside, where Will eventually calmed down (once we got in the car and were on the way home). There was no reason for this screaming fit - he wasn't hungry, tired, or thirsty. He just decided that Tom Thumb wasn't where he wanted to be. I'm just glad it didn't get too bad until we were about ready to go and Rolf could take care of the checkout.

Sunday, June 29 - We're back to the sweet little boy today. Here he is, playing the superhero with his blanket as cape.

22 June 2008

Project 365 Week 6

Monday, June 16 - While playing at Grandma and Grandad's house, one of the dogs joined in the fun. Unfortunately, Will was slightly off-balance and fell headfirst into the door. He had a nice little bruise right in the tuft of hair at the peak of his forehead.

Tuesday, June 17 - After our blazing weekend in San Antonio, we inflated Will's pool. Unfortunately, the day we chose to fill it was the day the rain came and the temperature dropped 20 degrees. This was before the cool front blew in, but the water was plenty cold. Will was good for three minutes, tops. Here he is escaping the frigid hose water.

Wednesday, June 18 - Will paints with Cool Whip. I didn't have to worry about his eating the paint, and he had a blast creating pictures for Daddy and Grandma and Grandad.

Thursday, June 19 - Will's one year pictures (see previous post).

Friday, June 20 - I failed to get a picture somehow. :-(

Saturday, June 21 - Will does his Cindy Crawford impersonation with one of Daddy's Cocoa Pebbles.

Sunday, June 22 - Will just HAD to go outside while Daddy was mowing this morning. Here he waits for Rolf to put the mower back in the shed. He loves being outside so much.

What does the cow say?

Will speaks.

19 June 2008

One Year Pictures - Finally!

So they're a month+ late, but we went to get Will's picture made today. I took my friend's advice and tried a new place this time. They were fast, efficient, and got some good shots. Here are the poses we got.

This one is my favorite. It shows his personality best.

15 June 2008

Project 365 Week 5

Monday, June 9 - Mommy's Little Helper. Will found my broom and dustpan and helped me clean up the kitchen.

Tuesday, June 10 - I made Will some playdough today. He had a great time playing with it, squooshing his fingers into the stuff.

Wednesday, June 11 - We went to visit Will's Great-Grandad at his assisted living apartments. Grandad likes to feed the birds, so he and Will headed out to the courtyard to spread seed for the 50+ pigeons Grandad has tamed. If you look, you can see just how similar their gaits are. An interesting juxtaposition of one at the beginning of his life and one toward the end of his.

Thursday, June 12 - Will got lots of books from Grandma, who is weeding out her library of books for her classroom before she retires next year. This is awesome. I can't think of any better gift than our choice of her old books. We're splitting them with my sister, who teaches special ed.

Friday, June 13 - Mommy's Little Helper, part 2. I was putting the clothes from the dryer in our bedroom and came back to the laundry room to find that Will had taken the empty Clorox bottle and was "pouring" it into the dryer, just as he'd seen me do with the washer.

Saturday, June 14 - We took a trip to San Antonio for Father's Day weekend. This was Will's first trip to the Alamo. It was really stinking hot and humid and crowded, but we managed to have a blast anyway.

Sunday, June 15 - Rolf's second Father's day. This is Will on the inflatable mattress we bought so he wouldn't roll off a hotel bed. He had been so overstimulated from the heat and the noise and the crowd that when I finally got him to sleep, he was OUT. He slept later than I did!

09 June 2008

Project 365 Week 4

Monday, June 2 - Out of the blue, Will knows how to drink from a straw (and he loves to practice on any drink we have!). I love this picture because he has mud all over his face and is looking at the camera like, "What? You gotta problem?"

Tuesday, June 3 - Casualty of war? Nah, just a bowl of macaroni and cheese. You can't see it, but it's all lodged behind his ear, too.

Wednesday, June 4 - Will was frustrated at his bubble mower. It was parked facing the wall. He couldn't turn it around, so he decided he would just drag it. Forcefully.

Thursday, June 5 - Petunias don't taste good, apparently. They're not poisonous, are they?

Friday, June 6 - Will likes to help us water the plants. We got him a Will-sized watering can at Target the next day.

Saturday, June 7 - "Do I have anything stuck in my teeth?"

Sunday, June 8 - I know, I know. I said he wouldn't watch TV until he was two, but we DO limit it, and at least it's something worthwhile like Bear in the Big Blue House. It's not like I'm letting him watch The Doodlebops (shudder).

02 June 2008

Project 365 Week 3

Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day brings ice cream and Grandma and Grandad's. Will wasn't too fond of Grandad's smoked ham, but he did like the dessert!

Tuesday, May 27 - Incident report #1: Will gets bitten again. I'm not supposed to know who did it, but I have a pretty darn good idea. Usually they play well together, so it shouldn't be too big of a problem. Besides, Will only has one more solid week in daycare until we can stay home together this summer, and I know I won't bite him.

Wednesday, May 28 - Incident report #2 of the week. Will was walking to the table for lunch, and he tripped. His eyebrow found the corner of the table. Ouch!

Thursday, May 29 - Will watches the Beautiful Game. Not that we're dropping hints that he play or anything. :-)

Friday, May 30 - Will LOVES to brush his teeth. If one of us takes the toothbrush for him, he throws a big hissy fit. He'll brush a couple of strokes, then "dip" his toothbrush in the sink, then brush some more. You'd think it wouldn't take 5 minutes to brush 7 teeth, but Will does.

Saturday, May 31 - Will tries out his new wheels - a stroller for walking with Mommy this summer. Mommy likes it because it has real rubber wheels, shocks, and a nice canopy. Will likes it because he sits up high so he can see more and because he can play with the wheel as mommy drives.

Sunday, June 1 - Mommy and Daddy finally get around to getting some sand for Will's sand and water table. Will is going to have a LOT of fun with this over the summer.