14 August 2007

Will's First Trip

Will in the car, stuck in traffic in Hillsboro

This weekend, we headed to Austin to spend Saturday night with my sister and brother-in-law. My BIL's birthday was Thursday, so they were hosting a little shindig and wanted us to attend. We built in more stops along the way than we've ever had for a 200 mile trip. Will did really well on the way down. He was quiet and/or sleeping until West, when I had to wake him up to change his diaper. That made him a little fussy once we got back on the road, but he settled down until nearly Round Rock, when it was time for his bottle.

By the time we got to my sister's house, Will was getting tired. We put him down for a nap, and he woke up in time for the party. Unfortunately, there was a lot of noise, and a lot of people in his face, and he didn't like it very much. We took turns keeping him away from most of the fray.

On the way home the next day, Will didn't do quite as well as he had on the trip down. Part of that was our fault; we stopped at IKEA (which was crazy crowded), and the outlet mall (which was crazy hot). Then, we hit horrible traffic around Hillsboro that added nearly an hour to our drive. None of this made Will very happy. To be honest, it didn't make me very happy, either. To top it off, Rolf had come down with a sinus infection that probably wasn't helped by his staying up into the wee hours on Saturday. We were a pretty grumpy crew on Sunday afternoon.

The best thing about the whole weekend, though, is that I got to hear a real giggle from Will - one that sounds like a true baby laugh - on Sunday morning as I was getting him dressed. It was the sweetest sound I've ever heard in my entire life.

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