Somehow, the summer is over. Will turns three months old today. I have such mixed emotions right now. On the one hand, Will has grown and developed so much in the past few months. He has learned to control his head (except when he's excited or sleepy), he can mostly sit up with support, he makes eye contact, plays with toys, smiles, coos, tries oh-so-hard to talk back to you (he works his mouth figuring out the shapes you used to make your words), and now, he giggles. I feel so lucky to have been able to witness these milestones as they happened. Being a mom is the most fulfilling job in the world. It is everything I ever hoped it would be.
On the other hand, summer is drawing to a close. I have to report back to school next Monday, so Will is starting daycare then. I tear up every time I think about leaving him, even though I am very happy with the facility we picked. I know he'll be taken care of, but I know it won't be me who is taking care of him. That breaks my heart. I wish with every fiber of my being that I could afford to stay home, but that just isn't happening for us. I knew this time would come, but I didn't realize how quickly the summer would fly by. The next time I'll get to spend an extended period of time with Will (more than 3 days), he will be six months old! I really can't wait until Thanksgiving now. It has been so hard for me to get back into the right frame of mind for school this year. I know we'll develop a new routine, but for now, I just have to hold onto every minute I have with my little guy.
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