13 October 2008

Will Reads to Himself...and Us

This is Will's Sandra Boynton book Blue Hat, Green Hat. The book goes something like this: Three animals are wearing an article of clothing in an appropriate manner, e.g. "Blue hat/Green hat/Yellow hat." Then we see the turkey wearing the hat on his feet instead of his head: "Oops." Will says, "UH-ooohhhh." He loves that silly turkey who gets everything wrong. We were still eating dinner when Will finished, so we let him down while we finished up. He grabbed his book and sat at daddy's feet and read the book to us. Pretty durn cute, if you ask me.

1 comment:

Mom's the Word said...

I love Boynton books. Technically, you can tell people he speaks in complete sentences. "Uh oh, Dada." :)