No Potty!
I taught summer school this summer, so Will was able to spend a lot of time with his Grandma and Grandad while Mommy was at school. He had a blast! I swear, he grew an inch and a half this summer (I have measured him at 36 1/2"), his vocabulary just exploded, and he is sooo close to being potty-trained. I tried the three day naked from the waist down training, and we thought we were almost there, but since school has started back up, he has had some problems backsliding. I think it's the emotional adjustment to being back in daycare all day that's got him refusing to go. He will still go if forced, and he will still tell us if he needs to go if we're in public, but at home, it's "No!" Sigh. He'll get there soon enough. The new teacher in his room at daycare is supposed to be really good at potty training, so I hope with her reinforcement at school, he'll be good to go really soon.
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