The doctor was impressed with how verbal Will is. I was frustrated because I had to circle "no" on three of the checklist items before I got to several others Will can already do (colors, drawing a line, etc.). He was a little too distracted to correctly identify their badly drawn cat, and he didn't really know the word for "man," so there was one strike. Not all people who don't know him understand 50% of what he says (although it depends on how well they listen and if they are used to hearing a two year old speak), so there was strike 2, and he can't put on any article of clothing by himself (strike 3). He's almost there with, say, pajama pants, but not yet. Oh, well. He's still ahead of his age group cognitively speaking.
The doctor also said that his eyes, ears, heart, and lungs were "perfect," so that was a big relief. We're so lucky that aside from a few ear infections and a couple of stomach bugs, we've had a happy and healthy boy. Will got a hemoglobin check at his 18 month appointment, so we escaped the doctor's office without any needles at all! His next round of shots isn't until his 4th birthday. Hooray!
Will was not happy the doctor looked him over, but he loved the Nemo sticker he got at the end.
After the visit, we went to Northpark mall, where we made Will a new dog at Build-a-Bear for his birthday. The dog, named Bear, is pictured below. Will was enthralled with the colors and accessories, but there were just too many things to look at to get him to settle down and pick an animal or some clothes. Rolf and I pretty much picked things out for him. I think Will was slightly afraid we were trying to replace Boyd.
Speaking of Boyd, we went on Ebay and ordered him a backup. The way Will flicks that poor dog's tail when he's tired, I know he's going to lose it before too long. This way, when Boyd does start to come apart (or if he's really dirty and is in the wash at bedtime), we have another one to give Will. It'll be interesting to see if he's fooled. I mean, this is the kid who is so smart that he won't be fooled by the dummy Wii remote we made for him out of a Wii remote shaped tin covered in a sleeve just like the ones we use. He knows it's fake because there is no trigger, there are no lights, and there is no wrist strap.
I love that he's so smart, but, dangit, sometimes I'd still like to be able to fool him to avoid meltdowns and/or damage to my stuff.
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