Monday, September 29 - No picture. I dunno what happened, other than I suck.
Tuesday, September 30 - So many of our pictures involve night-time reading for a couple of reasons. One, my child loves books as much as his mommy and daddy do, and two, it's generally the only time he's still enough to catch him.
Tuesday, October 1 - Poor, tired baby. Will had his pictures taken at school (hence the long-sleeves), and after school, Grandma and Grandad picked him up from daycare while mommy had a meeting. Will had a fabulous time dancing in Grandad's shed. He loves the sound of his feet on the elevated wood floor. He also played outside with the dogs for a loooong time. By the time we got home, Will was beat. He grabbed Boyd and his blankie and snuggled on the floor.
Thursday, October 2 - Apparently I suck. Again.
Friday, October 3 - Will's big cousin Aidan turned 13 today! Will celebrated by taking off in his rocket ship. Look how big he's getting. I swear he's grown 3" in the last month alone!
Saturday, October 4 - He looks more grown up all the time, but he still has his chubby baby cheeks here. He's actually starting to sprout a mullet. I guess the time for his first haircut is coming soon. *sniff*
Sunday, October 5 - Grandma's 60th birthday. We watched Grandma and Grandad's dogs over the weekend while they headed to Austin for Grandma's retirement meeting with TRS. Will wanted to be with the dogs at all times. Here, the dogs are running around outside, stalking the squirrels they don't have in their neighborhood (the trees are too young). Will nestled himself in daddy's lap and watched.
Monday, October 6 - My fair day. I also had a doctor's appt. in the afternoon, so once again, we didn't get a picture.
Tuesday, October 7 - I don't remember what happened here. Just no picture. Dang, I just am starting to suck at this.
Wednesday, October 8 - Proof positive that Will has grown fast. This is an 18 mo. shirt. We are desperate for cooler weather because he has very few short sleeved shirts that are big enough to be comfortable for him. Plus, I had to post this picture. Love that little tummy hanging out. :-)
Thursday, October 9 - Will is becoming more receptive to wearing hats. he actually kept this one on for a good 5 minutes before he started playing with it. Now if I could just get him to wear sunglasses...

Friday, October 10 - Daddy's birthday is the 11th, but the family celebrated my mom's birthday that day. Will and I had a small party with daddy on Friday night. Can you tell what Will's favorite part of the meal was?
Saturday, October 11 - Everywhere Will goes, Will has his Boyd and his blankie. He'll pull all of this paraphernalia out of his bed every morning and will carry it around the house at night.
Sunday, October 12 - Will discovers the joys of the train table at Toys 'r' Us. Too bad we have no room for something like this. He would have a great time.

I will do better in the future. I promise!
I can't believe we called and talked to Brandon and didn't wish him a happy birthday! I didn't realize what date we'd gotten to until late Sunday. Sorry Brandon and happy belated B-day!
Indeed, a belated happy birthday to Rolf!
We love store train tables. There have been so many NAP FAIL afternoons when the boys have been awake and cranky and mommy is cranky, and we just pile in the car and head to our Barnes & Noble, which has a train table in the children's section. They have a great time while I get to sit and nurse a coffee. Everybody wins.
Until it's time to go home, anyway.
it's kinda funny. usually, i drop hints about my bday around...sorta like much delayed easter eggs. this year it wasn't really on my mind much. but our families made the weekend very special. and the folks at work really made my day by getting me a cake and buying me some kicka@@ bbq. all of it was very nice and much appreciated, but the absolute best, was will waking up and running around the house saturday morning in a fit of unadulterated glee. i can't begin to explain how happy he makes me.
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