Length - 29 1/4" (50th %)
Weight - 22 lbs., 10 oz. (50th %)
Head - 19" - (90th % - that's my boy!)
His head circumference is only 1/2" shorter than his whole body was at birth.
The last time we took Will to the doctor, he had an ear infection (which surprised the heck out of me. He had no symptoms but gunk in his eyes). This morning's appointment was to be his ear infection follow-up/9 mo. well baby checkup. Unfortunately, he wasn't well today. He was running a fever yesterday at daycare when I went to pick him up, he had no appetite for dinner last night, and he was running a fever most of the night. He slept fitfully, party due to his illness, partly due to the massive storms that rocked the DFW area last night. When we were in the pedi's office, his temp was 101.8. The doctor said his ears were clear, his lungs were clear, and there was no sign of a sore throat. He said all we could do was treat his fever. I gave Will some Tylenol in the exam room while we were waiting for the nurse to come back and prick his finger for the hemoglobin count, which helped him through the next 5 hours until we had run the rest of our errands and returned home.
When we got home, his temperature was super-high - it actually hit 104 on the thermometer. I think some of that was sleeping on the sunny side of the car all the way home. It dropped to 103.5 within 5 minutes. I had to cool him down with a cold wet washcloth, but it didn't help too much. When I got his temp down to 102.7 (with a dose of Tylenol), I laid him down to sleep. He slept for 30 minutes before he woke up soaking wet and screaming. His fever was down, but he was in pain. I couldn't tell if it was his head, his throat, or his tummy that was hurting. I couldn't help him. It was the most powerless I've felt in a long time. I would have given anything to take away his pain and taken it on myself. He finally calmed down when we stepped outside into the beautiful afternoon. His fever never really completely broke.
About 1/2 hour ago, I gave him a cool bath. We kept him in there until his head felt close to normal and his poor little teeth started to chatter. We gave him some more Tylenol about 20 minutes ago, but his temperature just seems to be climbing. Rolf is cradling him now, wrapping a cold washcloth around his head. I don't know what else to do. If he's still running a temp over 101 tomorrow, I'm taking him in somewhere.
UPDATE: Rolf seems to have broken the scary-high temps. At last check, Will's fever was only 101.1. Whew. Let's hope it continues to drop.
Sounds like you guys are in for a restless night. It could be teething, but that seems super high. Do either one of you get fever easily? Call me if you want the number to my pedi. She's a new doc who used to be a nurse and is super thorough-great when the baby is really sick, a little much when he's not. Tell Will Jack is rooting for him. Let me know if you need anything.
Oh, gosh, I hope everything is okay now. Poor little guy.
You have my sympathies regarding the powerlessness. When Colin was a baby he had awful colic. We tried everything-- everything! And nothing would stop the nightly bouts of screaming. It was the worst feeling in the world not to be able to help him.
I hope Will feels better soon!
I hope Will is better today!
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