13 November 2007


Will has decided carrots are okay again. We went to Rolf's stepdad's for dinner on Sunday, and we were served a fantastic stew. I took a carrot, a potato, and some peas out of my bowl and mashed them up with my spoon. Will ate it all up. This inspired me to try out the last tub of carrot baby food we have in the pantry. What a difference a couple of months makes! He made a little face when he first tasted the carrots, like, "what are you feeding me now, woman?" But soon, he was eating them up. Hooray! Tonight he finished them off and even ate some green beans. He wasn't as sure about the green beans as the carrots, but I can't blame him. Have you ever had just plain green beans with no seasoning whatsoever? Bleah.

Here's Will with carrots on his face, much happier than in the earlier video with carrots.

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