22 October 2007

Sittin' on Top of the World

Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, Will can sit on his own. We were able to get him to sit up, unsupported, on our bed for about ten seconds last week, but tonight, we must have spent a good thirty plus minutes with the little man on the floor. He fell over a few times, bopping his head on the rug, which really scared more than hurt him, but he stayed upright on his own for most of that time. It's so exciting to see him make these strides. Before we know it, he'll be crawling all over the place. We'd better get crackin' on the baby-proofing!

The video below was after he'd fallen over a couple of times in quick succession; he's a little perturbed at this point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That kid is soooooo cute! I miss you guys. We'll have to get together soon. Will is precious!