Will celebrated his first Halloween in style. He went as a Jack o' Lantern. Not very original, I know, but those costumes that people stick their infants in seem so restrictive. I think it would be cruel to put my baby, who is beginning to try to crawl, in a costume that doesn't separate his feet. Plus, we wouldn't have been able to take him to visit grandparents in costume, which is how we spent our Halloween. He was the star of the show, that's for sure.
31 October 2007
My Lil' Punkin'
Will celebrated his first Halloween in style. He went as a Jack o' Lantern. Not very original, I know, but those costumes that people stick their infants in seem so restrictive. I think it would be cruel to put my baby, who is beginning to try to crawl, in a costume that doesn't separate his feet. Plus, we wouldn't have been able to take him to visit grandparents in costume, which is how we spent our Halloween. He was the star of the show, that's for sure.
22 October 2007
Sittin' on Top of the World
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, Will can sit on his own. We were able to get him to sit up, unsupported, on our bed for about ten seconds last week, but tonight, we must have spent a good thirty plus minutes with the little man on the floor. He fell over a few times, bopping his head on the rug, which really scared more than hurt him, but he stayed upright on his own for most of that time. It's so exciting to see him make these strides. Before we know it, he'll be crawling all over the place. We'd better get crackin' on the baby-proofing!
The video below was after he'd fallen over a couple of times in quick succession; he's a little perturbed at this point.
16 October 2007
Sweet potatoes are a go again! Woohoo!
This kid is eating like a horse. This morning, for example, he ate a bowl of oatmeal mixed with formula, 1/2 a tub of applesauce, and he STILL wanted a 4 oz. bottle. Then he ate less than 3 hours later at daycare. Last night, he ate a bowl of oatmeal, 1/2 tub of peas, 1/2 tub of pears, and a small bottle. Then four hours later, he ate a 6 oz. bottle. The kid is no chunk. My friend's baby, who is just now 9 weeks old, weighs just about a pound or so less than Will, and Will turned 5 months on Sunday. Their birth weights were only about 1/2 lb. apart, too, so it's not like Jack started out at 10 lbs. He just caught up quickly. And he's exclusively breastfed!
As for us, we booked our 10th anniversary trip to Las Vegas. We purchased Terra Passes to help counteract the huge carbon impact of flight. What a great idea those are! I'm considering getting one to counteract our house's carbon footprint for the year. If we don't take care of our environment now, what kind of world will my child (and his children) inherit?
Here's Will modeling his "Born to Read" bib I got from the American Library Association's website.
This kid is eating like a horse. This morning, for example, he ate a bowl of oatmeal mixed with formula, 1/2 a tub of applesauce, and he STILL wanted a 4 oz. bottle. Then he ate less than 3 hours later at daycare. Last night, he ate a bowl of oatmeal, 1/2 tub of peas, 1/2 tub of pears, and a small bottle. Then four hours later, he ate a 6 oz. bottle. The kid is no chunk. My friend's baby, who is just now 9 weeks old, weighs just about a pound or so less than Will, and Will turned 5 months on Sunday. Their birth weights were only about 1/2 lb. apart, too, so it's not like Jack started out at 10 lbs. He just caught up quickly. And he's exclusively breastfed!
As for us, we booked our 10th anniversary trip to Las Vegas. We purchased Terra Passes to help counteract the huge carbon impact of flight. What a great idea those are! I'm considering getting one to counteract our house's carbon footprint for the year. If we don't take care of our environment now, what kind of world will my child (and his children) inherit?
Here's Will modeling his "Born to Read" bib I got from the American Library Association's website.
09 October 2007
Feed Me, Seymour!
Will has really glommed on to the whole eating solids experience. He has now tried the following:
Sweet potatoes (cause diaper blow-out, discontinued for now)
Carrots (see post below on reaction)
Squash (likes okay, but not as much as sweet potatoes)
Applesauce (we think he likes it; he licks a lot when he eats it)
Bananas (see note on applesauce)
Peaches (likes pretty well, but best mixed in with his cereal)
Peas (liked them TONS the first two days but now, not so much)
Plus, he's getting much better at helping me feed him. Check out this video
Of course, he may just be really good at finding things to chew on now.
Speaking of chewing, Will's first teeth are on their way. Yes, I said TEETH. He seems to be cutting at least three at once. And the thing is, they aren't his front teeth. The most prominent one is his left canine. I guess he wants to be a vampire for Halloween. And then he wants to be able to wish for his two front teeth for Christmas.
At least his teeth let him sleep mostly through the night now. We're only up once a night with him. Last week, when his gums really hurt, it was almost once an hour.
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