May 19: Look Ma, no hands! Will plays with his new sippy lid. Love the fish lips.

May 20:My sleepy boy in his pirate pooch pj's. This is the day he decided to test out his teeth on a playmate at daycare. :-(
May 21: You want some of my sweet potatoes? I'll take care of the camera while you eat.
May 22: My little reader. This is Wake up, Sleepy Bear, a book my mom got him for Valentine's day last year (before he was born). The illustrations are just beautiful.
May 23: Ouch! 1-year vaccination time. Will was so upset at the pain that his face turned purple in a silent scream before he took a breath to let his second scream go. Then, on our way out of the office, he spit his yogurt melt at the nurse because she hurt him. Purple spit flew everywhere. I think it was really a half-sneeze, but with his temper (one trait he unfortunately inherited from me), who knows?

May 24: Worn out after a long day of play. After his day at the doctor and his vaccinations, the Academic Decathlon kids came to our house to throw my dad a surprise retirement party. The school isn't doing anything because he officially retired in 2002 and has been teaching part time ever since. Will, of course, had to provide the entertainment. Then Saturday, we went to Denton and tooled around, so that totally disrupted Will's nap schedule. We bought the neck pillow for long car trips, but he won't keep it on unless he's asleep when we put it on him.
May 25: It's a shame he looks nothing like his daddy, no? If I hadn't carried him, I'd swear he'd just spawned from Rolf's head. Here are my boys enjoying the Dallas World Aquarium (see previous post for more details). I love this picture.